Find the best used car parts

Are you looking for car parts? is the intermediary which brings supply and demand of used car parts together. Choose from over 5,897,006 online car parts from reputable salvage and dismantling companies.

More than 149 of the best scrapyards or dismantling companies in the Netherlands are affiliated with These companies specialise in recycling car parts that are still in good condition. They post usable car parts online. You can find their stock online and can find virtually any part in a clear car parts database. Immediately you can see what scrapyard has the item in stock, as well as all the other relevant information.


You can also use our system to submit a request for quality used car parts. Enter your license plate number or your car model and indicate what car part you need. You will often receive a response on your request within thirty minutes from a professional dismantling company which has the right parts in stock. Over 75% of submitted requests lead to a transaction.

In addition to a request, you can also search for parts yourself in our well-organized database. Here you can see at which dismantling company the product is available and find all other relevant data.

Have you found your car part? You can negotiate with the provider directly. Without intervention from, you can speak directly with the dealer about the price, condition of the item, warranty, and/or shipment possibilities.


By purchasing used car parts, you often save more than half of the original price. Of course, you want to be sure that the used parts are in good condition. 149 reliable, professional dismantling companies are affiliated with, who specialise in reusing car parts. There is a good reason why receives hundred of thousands of visitors from home and abroad every month. With a database of more than 5,897,006 parts, you can find virtually any car part you desire.

In addition, has professional customer service that will be happy to assist you.