Search Jaguar XF car parts

Total stock of 18,641 car parts online

140 different Jaguar XF car parts found

Parts list

ABS pumpAccelerator pedalActuator mechanical (Turbo)ADM fuel moduleAir boxAir conditioning lineAir conditioning pumpAir grill sideAir intake hoseAirbag clock springAntennaAntenna (miscellaneous)Antenna AmplifierAnti-roll control sensorBattery back-upBonnet LiningBrake light switchBrake pedalBrake pumpCable (miscellaneous)Carbon filterClimate control displayComfort ModuleCooling setCover cap headlight washer rightCowl top grilleCrankshaft pulleyCylinder headDashboard decoration stripDashboard partDashboard ventDoor handle 4-door, front leftDoor sill rightDrive shaft, rear leftDrive shaft, rear rightDynamoEGR coolerEngine management computerEsp Duo SensorFront anti-roll barFront ashtrayFront brake calliper, leftFront brake calliper, rightFront bumper bracket, rightFront bumper frameFront door 4-door, rightFront door handle 4-door, rightFront door trim 4-door, rightFront lower wishbone, leftFront lower wishbone, rightFront seatbelt, leftFront seatbelt, rightFront shock absorber rod, leftFront shock absorber rod, rightFront upper wishbone, leftFront wiper armFront wishbone, leftFront wishbone, rightFuel injector nozzleFuel return lineFuse boxGearboxGloveboxGlow plug relayHeadlight washer pumpHeater control panelHeater housingHeating and ventilation fan motorIgnition lock + keyIndicator switchInjector (diesel)Intake manifoldIntercooler hoseInterior lighting, frontIntermediate shaftKnuckle, front rightLambda probeLong steering gearMaster cylinderMechanical fuel pumpMiscellaneousModule (miscellaneous)Module climatronicModule keyless vehicleNavigation displayNavigation moduleOil cooler steering unitOil filter housingOil pressure linePanic lighting switchParcel shelfParking brake moduleParking brake motorPDC ModulePedestrian airbagPower steering boxPower steering fluid reservoirPower steering linePower steering pumpRadio amplifierRear air ventRear brake calliper, leftRear brake calliper, rightRear brake discRear bumperRear door 4-door, rightRear door handle 4-door, leftRear door handle 4-door, rightRear door trim 4-door, rightRear door window mechanism 4-door, rightRear seatbelt, centreRear seatbelt, leftRear seatbelt, rightRear shock absorber rod, rightRear view mirrorRocker coverSide skirt, rightSpeakerStarterSteering columnSteering column capSteering column housing completeSteering gear unitSteering lockSteering wheelTailgate switchTaillight, leftTankTank cap coverThrottle bodyTurboTurbo hoseVacuum pump (diesel)WheelWing mirror, rightWiper motor + mechanismWiper switchWiring harness engine roomXenon bulbXenon module
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